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Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread Recipe (Easy And Delicious)

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Looking for a healthier alternative to store-bought bread? This easy and nutritious 100% artisan sourdough whole wheat bread recipe is perfect for beginners and made with simple ingredients.

close up on whole wheat sourdough slices

This no-knead Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread is made with just 5 simple ingredients. Similar to my Overnight Sourdough Bread Recipe, throw in all the ingredients, mix it up, give the dough a few stretches and then let it rise overnight. It has a crispy crust and a soft interior with a slightly sweet nutty flavor.

Benefits of eating whole wheat bread

Whole wheat bread is more nutritious than bread made with white flour because wheat bread contains all parts of the kernel. A wheat kernel has three parts, bran, endosperm, and germ. Whole wheat flour contains all three parts, whereas white flour is refined to change the texture and increase the shelf life by removing the bran and germ.

Removing the bran and germ also removes some nutrients. Whole wheat bread contains more fiber, vitamins, such as vitamin B, and minerals such as zinc and magnesium. Learn more about the benefits of whole grain foods.

If you’re looking to incorporate more whole grains into your diet be sure to check out my other recipes with whole wheat like Sourdough Discard Sandwich Bread, Oatmeal Bran Sourdough Muffins, and Sourdough Animal Crackers.

buttered whole wheat sourdough slice

Ingredients for Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread

Active Sourdough Starter –An active sourdough starter refers to starter that was recently fed and is bubbly and doubled in size.

Whole wheat flour – I recommend using a hard red wheat flour. I used Sunrise Flour Mill Heritage Whole Wheat Flour (you can use my link for 20% off your order).

Water – Tap or filtered water will work. Using warm water will speed up the process while cold water will slow it down.

Honey – Adds a touch of sweetness to the dough.

Salt – Any type of salt works.

Tools for baking sourdough bread

Find a full list of my favorite sourdough tools in one spot.  

Kitchen scaleUsing a scale to measure is much more accurate than using cups plus it is easier to feed your sourdough starter!

Straight Edge ContainerI recommend using a 2 quart straight-edge container to easily track the growth of your dough. A medium sized bowl, ideally that you can see through, will also work.

Bread Lame This tool is used to score the top of the mini loaf. You can also use a really sharp knife, but the bread lame gives a cleaner cut. 

Danish dough whisk (use code CountryRoadsSourdough for 10% off) This specially shaped whisk is designed to easily mix the dough. You can also use your hands or spoon but I prefer to use this tool. 

Proofing Basket-  A proofing basket is what you will place the dough into for the second rise. They are available in round (boule) or oval (batard) shapes. If you prefer not to get a basket you can use a 9-10″ medium-sized bowl lined with a tea towel.

Dutch ovenYou’ll need one that is 5-7 qt (4qt can work if necessary but it is tight) and is approved for temperatures up to 450F.  Or, you can also use a bread oven. To bake sourdough bread without a Dutch oven, see my recipe here. 

Bread Knife To easily slice your sourdough bread with clean slices.

Wire rack– Once your loaf is baked you want to get it onto a cooling rack to cool.

Bread Sling or Parchment Paper– This will make getting the dough in and out of the dutch oven easier.  

view of inside of whole wheat sourdough bread

Sample Baking Schedule

This schedule is based on rough estimates. The temperature of your dough, kitchen, humidity, and strength of starter will all impact the times so while this will give you an estimate it is best to look at the signs the dough is ready to move on. You are looking for about a 75% rise. Using a marked container, like this Cambro container, makes it easier to see when this dough has risen by 75%, taking the guesswork out of it.

There is flexibility in this schedule to make it work for you. If 8am is not a good time to feed your sourdough starter you could do a smaller feeding like 1:1:1, 4-6 hours before mixing the dough. If you don’t get around to baking bread around dinner time you can always leave the dough in the fridge for an extra day or two. Do what works for you!

Steps (Note: this was my timing at a dough temperature of 72F) Time
Feed sourdough starter 1:4:4 ratio (i.e. 10 g starter: 40 g flour: 40 g water)8 am
Mix dough7:00 pm
Stretch & folds7:30 pm-8:30 pm
Shape8 am
Final proofing in fridge8:30 am-4 pm
Bake4 pm

How Temperature Impacts Sourdough

Temperature is very important when it comes to sourdough and fermentation. If your house is cooler than 68F the dough will have a hard time rising. If your house is cold I recommend using a dough mat or finding a warmer spot in your house. Placing the dough in a draft-free area like a turned off oven or microwave may help or near a heating vent.

If your house is above 75F I wouldn’t recommend leaving the dough overnight as it is more likely to overproof. You can try using cold water to help cool down the dough and stick to a shorter timeline like 8 hours as that may help it from getting too warm.

whole wheat sourdough bread loaf

How to make Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread

Feed Sourdough Starter

The first step to making bread is to feed your sourdough starter. The temperature of your house, activity level of your starter, and how much you feed the starter will all impact how quickly your starter rises. A 1:1:1 ratio meaning 1 part starter: 1 part flour: 1 part water will rise in about 4-6 hours. Whereas a 1:5:5 ratio meaning 1 part starter: 5 part flour: 5 part water will rise in about 12 hours. Feed based on the timing you want to make bread. Once the starter doubles or exceeds its size and becomes bubbly, it is ready for use. If you can’t use the starter while it is at peak place it in the fridge until you are ready.

Mix Ingredients 

Mix together the whole wheat flour, water, salt, honey, and starter together with a danish dough whisk, spoon or hands until incorporated. The dough will look shaggy at this point. Cover bowl with a lid or dinner plate and let it sit for 30 minutes.

Stretch and Folds

Stretching the dough helps build strength and aerates the dough. Typically I aim to get 3 set in, waiting 30 minutes in between each set. You can also do more sets if you have time. Cover the dough in between sets.

To stretch and fold grab one side of the dough with a damp hand and gently shimmy the dough up and then fold it on itself. Repeat this 3 more times rotating the bowl 90 degrees each time.

First rise

After stretch and folds let the dough sit overnight on the counter covered, about 10-14 hours (depending on the temperature) until the dough has risen about 75%, not completely doubled. The dough should be aerated with bubbles showing on the sides and bottom of the dough and jiggle when the bowl is shook. If it does not show these signs continue to let the dough sit, preferably in a warm spot to finish bulk fermentation.

Shape dough

The goal of shaping is to create a taut, outer skin on the dough. The skin creates tension, helping the dough to hold its shape when baked, which translates to a good rise and a crispy crust.

Shaping instructions:

  1. Dump the dough on an unfloured surface and gently spread the dough into a chubby rectangle.
  2. Gently pull the bottom of the dough up, creating tension on the surface of the dough, and bring the dough on top of itself about halfway.
  3. Fold one side of the dough up and over, bringing it two-thirds of the way onto the dough.
  4. Fold the other side of the dough on top.
  5. Starting on one side roll the dough on top of itself into a ball shape bringing the smooth side on top.
  6. Take your hands in cupping shape and rotate the dough counter-clockwise towards you to get a smooth surface on top of the dough.
  7. Using a bench scraper or your hands, flip the dough upside down into a banneton basket lightly floured with rice flour or well floured with all purpose. If you do not have a banneton, line a 9-10″ bowl with a floured tea towel and use that instead.
  8. Cover the basket with something to keep the moisture in. Optional: pinch the seams together once the dough is in the basket to solidify the taut skin on the surface and tighten the ball.
  9. To make an oval shape vs round on step 5 instead of one roll into a ball, roll the dough up like a cinnamon roll. Pinch the sides to seal them and then use your hands to gently pull the dough towards yourself to smooth the surface.

Second Proof

Place dough in the fridge covered for the final proof. The fridge slows down fermentation which allows your dough to sit for longer periods of time. You can bake anytime after the two-hour mark or after. Ideally, within 48 hours of placing it in the fridge. Longer fermentation times will make for a more sour loaf.


Preheat the oven with the Dutch oven to 450F once the dough is ready. Flip the dough onto a bread sling or parchment paper and score the dough. Hold the blade at a slight angle and quickly slice the bread about 1/2 inch deep. This can be one line or multiple depending on your preferences. For more intricate designs hold the blade at 90 degrees and make shallow cuts.


Bake the loaf at 450F in a Dutch oven. Begin with the lid on for 25 minutes followed by an extra 15-20 minutes with the lid off. The loaf should sound hollow when you tap on the bottom. That is how you know it is baked through. Once done baking, remove from the Dutch oven and place onto a cooling rack to cool.

half a loaf of whole wheat sourdough sliced

Storing Sourdough Whole Wheat Bread

Store a whole loaf, or a side that can be placed cut side down with only the crust exposed, on the counter up to 2 days with just a tea towel over it. If the inside of the loaf is exposed I store it in a bread box or in a ziplock back.

Sourdough will not hold its crunch for extended periods of time but can be revived in the oven or toaster. To refresh a loaf preheat the oven to 450F. Run the loaf quickly under water and then place in the oven for 10-15 minutes until the crust is crispy again.

Sourdough bread also freezes really well. To freeze a loaf, either place the whole or half a loaf into a freezer safe bag or preslice the loaf and place parchment paper in between each slice before placing in a freezer bag.

To thaw, place the loaf on the counter for several hours in the ziplock bag. If you are in a time crunch I’ve used the defrost feature in the microwave to thaw my loaf. Once thawed, use the same refresh instructions as listed above. For individual slices, pulled from the freezer, pop it in the toaster.

Frequently Asked Questions

Did you know that there are a variety of different wheat berries that make up the flour we use for bread and baking? There are two main categories that the wheat berry falls into, soft and hard. Hard wheat is ideal for bread because of the high protein content which creates gluten for the rise and texture of bread. Soft wheat has a lower protein and gluten content, making it a good choice for baked goods such as quick breads, cakes, and cookies. 

The ideal wheat berry for sourdough bread is called Hard Red Wheat. Red wheat has a nutty flavor and higher protein content, making it the perfect wheat berry for sourdough!

I use Sunrise Flour Mill Heritage Whole Wheat Flour in this recipe and love how soft and flavorful it makes my loaf.

Yes! Grab your flour mill and red wheat berries and enjoy!

Yes! Whole wheat flour is made with all parts of the kernel making it a nutrient-dense option. Whole grains provide fiber, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that are good for your body.

Yes whole wheat flour typically ferments quicker than white flour. This is because the extra nutrients in whole wheat flour give the yeast more to feed on.

Sourdough bread made with white flour, like my Simple Artisan Sourdough Bread recipe, typically results in a lighter, taller, and fluffier loaf. Sourdough whole wheat bread, on the other hand, results in a tighter crumb and less rise. However, what this bread lacks in rise it makes up for in flavor and nutrition. If you prefer an airy crumb but want the benefits of a whole grain I recommend doing a half and half blend with bread flour.

No, but you can! You can use any type of sourdough starter in this recipe. I use an all purpose flour starter in all my recipes but if you have a starter made with whole wheat or another type of flour you can use it. The most important thing is that the starter is strong, bubbly, and active.

Yes! Like we talked about earlier whole wheat flour includes the bran and germ in the flour. The bran and germ are able to take on quite a bit more water than a typical white flour.

Just because whole wheat bread has a tighter crumb and less rise doesn’t mean it has to be extremely dense and dry. If your whole wheat bread is too dense, it typically is because it was not properly fermented and either rose for not enough time or too long, or your sourdough starter was weak. Ensure your starter is strong and consistently doubling in size before before making bread with it. Also using a marked container, like this container, makes it easier to see when this dough has risen by 75%, taking the guesswork out of it.

Sliced Whole Wheat Sourdough bread on a wooden board

Whole Wheat Sourdough Bread Recipe

Emily Christensen
This easy and nutritious 100% whole wheat artisan sourdough bread recipe is perfect for beginners and made with simple ingredients.
4.75 from 8 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Proofing Time 20 hours
Total Time 20 hours 50 minutes
Course Bread
Cuisine American
Servings 1 loaf
Calories 126 kcal



  • Mix together active starter, water, honey and salt in a medium-sized bowl or straight edge container. Add in flour and mix with a danish dough whisk or your hands until a shaggy dough is formed.
    40 grams sourdough starter, doubled in size and bubbly, 300 grams water, 20 grams honey, 10 grams salt, 400 grams whole wheat flour
  • After 30 minutes get your hand damp and then perform a set of stretch and folds. Cover and let rest. Repeat 2 more times about 30 minutes apart.
  • Once the dough has risen 75%, domed on top, has bubbles on sides it is ready to shape (roughly 10-14 hours later). Dump the dough onto an unfloured surface. Turn the dough over and gently spread the dough in a chubby rectangle. Fold the dough like an envelope, starting at the bottom and pulling up to build tension and then bring on top of the dough halfway. Bring each side up and out and then place slightly over the middle of the dough. Pull the top of the dough out and up and bring it on top of the dough, rolling the dough back over. Cup your hands and begin rotating counter clockwise while sliding the dough towards you. Once you have a taut round ball place the dough upside down in a banneton basket or a floured bowl with a tea towel. Cover with something that will keep the moisture in.
  • Place the dough in the fridge for about 8+ hours or up to 2 days.
  • Preheat dutch oven in the oven at 450°F.
  • Flip dough onto parchment paper and score the bread with a bread lame or sharp knife.
  • Bake bread for 25 minutes with the lid on. Take the lid off and bake for another 15-20 minutes depending on how dark of a crust you would like. I prefer mine a little on the lighter end so I pull at 15 minutes. The bread should sound hollow when you knock on the bottom, this is an indicator the bread is cooked through.
  • Let the bread cool on a cooling rack. To ensure the loaf is fully baked through wait at least 2 hours before cutting. Or if you are like me slice it warm and enjoy warm bread!


  • Use a straight-edge container to easily track the growth of the dough. Do not shape the dough until it has risen or you will end up with a much denser loaf. 
  • You can use any kind of wheat flour but I prefer the taste of Sunrise Flour Mill’s Whole Wheat Flour. 


Serving: 1gCalories: 126kcalCarbohydrates: 27gProtein: 5gFat: 1gPolyunsaturated Fat: 1gSodium: 2mgFiber: 4gSugar: 2g
Keyword honey, sourdough starter, whole wheat
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